Today (an lots of other days that I don't write about) I give my solute to Amanda Blake Soule. If you are unfamiliar, she is the author of, a blog which she started years ago and has turned into not just a good read, but a culture, a guideline for our lives. She lives in a big old farmhouse in Maine where she keeps away from mainstream ideals such as store-bought clothes and processed foods. My favorite thing about her is her crafts. She has published three books, all including her thoughts on life as well as easy ways to live green and fun crafts for the whole family. And a family she has! Her 5th child was welcomed into the world this past May, and who knows if she's done yet! My guess is that she will let her body tell her when she's done having children.
My solute is mostly due to my belated birthday present from my sister, SouleMama's new
book (mailed to me by Mrs. Soule herself!) as well as a hand written note from the author telling me Happy Birthday.
So today I wear my hair parted down the middle, and will sew and bake and cook, thinking of SouleMama and her family who, even though they are so far away, are still close by with the click of my mouse.
Thank you for your inspiration Amanda, and keep your blogs [and books!] coming!
Yay! I'm glad you finally got it and that you're enjoying it. Happy belated birthday!