I'm not a history buff, nor am I Catholic. But the Missions are pretty interesting, not to mention gorgeous. Genny had a good time once she was allowed out of the stroller (as soon as we were inside the mission). She kept pointing to a horse statue and calling it Rhinoceros because that's what one of the horses was named when we went horseback riding. Scratch that, tried to go horseback riding.
After seeing the Koi fish and nursing, changing three diapers, and finding then putting on one jacket, I was able to appreciate a little bit of the Mission, but to tell you the truth I remember mostly what I've already recounted, and the beds that were made of leather and ropes. But it's good to get out and see some history, especially since we are dangerously close to calling ourselves Californians.
After the Mission, we went to Ruby's for lunch. Since seeing the Food Inc. movie, I've been against 'hate meat' (as I've termed it) and have asked in every restaurant I eat in whether they purchase hormone and antibiotic free meat. Ruby's doesn't, so Genny had a grilled cheese and I had a yummy Mediterranean salad.
We finished off the day with me nursing in the car and Genny pretending to drive. Then spent another two and a half hours outside playing. I have found my kitting needles, so am back to work on washcloths because all of mine are hard and old.
We got a package today from my in-laws. It had a plethora of clothes for the kids, as well as some gifts. I let Genny open two, but am leaving the other two for incentives...
I love the profile picture of Genny by the water...so sweet! Looks beautiful and interesting too.