Today has been a busy day. I watched my friend's nine year old son again (I watched him for three days last week also). Not that a nine year old causes much uproar in a house with a six week old and a two year old. *smile* But something that is unusual about today is that baby Glenn was all about being held. He did well this morning when we went to the exchange to return (not exchange, haha) a dress as well as buy a gift for my nephew (a Marine Corps flight suit- I have bought him camies in the past and thought it would be fun to get him a flight suit this time). After the exchange, we went to the park so that our nine year old as well as Genny could burn off some energy before lunch. By the time we got home, baby Glenn was more than ready to eat. After feeding him, he started getting fussy when I would set him down. All through Genny's nap (or reading time today) I fed him, and played with him. Every time I set him down he would get fussy. Usually that means that he's hungry or needs a diaper change (I've decided that he's going to be a particularly neat when he grows up because he can't stand to be in a dirty diaper for very long). Today he was just needy. And that has continued to even now as I write this blog at 8:25pm, he is starting to get riled up because he's in the boppy instead of my arms.
Thomas isn't coming home tonight because he has duty. Since he commutes an hour each way and his duty ends at 10pm, having to be at work at 6:30am doesn't mean he would get much sleep here at the house. So he stays in the hospital on nights like this to get more sleep. I miss him, but I used to take the opportunity to get something done that I'd rather not do when he's home. This could be scrapbooking, sewing, cleaning something that I've been putting off. Tonight I may just end up going to bed. I should do something productive like fix my burp cloths that I made, but I may save that for Genny's nap time tomorrow provided Glenn doesn't need me to hold him the whole time again. Let's hope this means he'll sleep like a log tonight...
So the picture is of my burp cloths. I made two of each pattern I bought, which gave me about 6 (when I finish the last one). The bug one was the first I made, I didn't put binding on either of them and realized after I finished that the little JoAnn Fabrics logo was on the edge of one (yes, I'm that person). After realizing how nice they looked with binding on them, I thought the bug ones were the worst of the bunch. Then I started using them. Turns out I don't know how to put binding on, because if you look closely at the one on the left with the boats, the binding is falling off. Not all of them are as dramatic as the one in the picture, but I don't think I have one that doesn't have binding falling off it somewhere. So now I need to remove the binding from them all and re-sew them so that they are all usable again. It's amazing how quickly I go through burp cloths, and even with the six my sister made me, I find myself doing laundry because I ran out of burp cloths instead of running out of something else. But I'm avoiding making any more because I know that this phase will be short in the long run, so I don't want to waste money on material that will not be used soon. An idea just came to me that I can always use the old burp cloths to make something else, SouleMama style.
Well, I hope you all get a full night of sleep tonight. I get about 3-4 hours a night, with a few one hour or half hour spurts after that. I have to say that I'm excited for his three month birthday because I will try to put him in the crib then in hopes to get a full 6 hours and work my way up to 8. Ok, this pacifier is done pacifying... Off to bed after nursing for this little man and then washing diapers for me. (yay!!!)
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